Music and Singing in Our Church

Sing a new song to the Lord! God has given music to the Church as a way to worship Him, to encourage our hearts, and to proclaim His grace to a watching world. It has been said that Worshipping God through song is impervious to rational refutation. In other words, there is a way that musical worship appeals to the human heart in ways that go beyond mere cognitive consideration. It draws us into the worship of God with all of our hearts.

We love to sing in our church. We sing Psalms from the Bible, along with the best of Christian hymnody from the history of the Church and some of the finest modern hymns as well. We believe that all of these are to proclaim and carry God’s Truth and in doing so they build us up in that truth.

We have two hymnals from which we sing: the Blue Psalter Hymnal, and the Trinity Hymnal (revised edition).

Not only are we careful about what we sing, but we seek to be intentional about how we sing. We are to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! We are to sing with joy and gladness, with seriousness and reverence, with care and love. Musical praise is a gift, and we seek to honor and cultivate that gift.

First Church has also been known through the years as a singing church. Our wonderful sanctuary, known for its acoustic quality, has been home to many different music concerts and productions. We host an annual production of Handel’s Messiah, and host other various music groups on occasion.

In our services, on occasion, our choir or smaller ensembles contribute to the liturgy through special songs, and samples of a few of those are below.


ladies quintet




Men's Chorus
